Welcome to my blog about page, In this post we are going to discuss About me and the deep reality how to start journey as Full Stack Developer with technology as .NET MVC Core developer with language as C#, LINQ, jQuery, JavaScript, Angular with Kendo, SQL server as back end tool.
Introduction about me
I’m a full stack developer with expertise in .NET MVC Core, utilizing languages such as C#, LINQ, jQuery, JavaScript, and Angular with Kendo UI. I also have experience with SQL Server as a backend tool. Currently, my work involves daily development activities.
But to reach up to this position in my life i faced so many ups and down. So many hectic schedule, no family life, when, I started my career as a .NET trainer, a role in which I found happiness and earned enough to support myself. Later I got realized that in tech field it is importance of staying updated with the latest technologies so I can teach the student about the new technology. So that is why I started my carrier in developing field as well. Currently I am working as Developer and Teaching is my hobby so doing teaching also.
Journey from Trainer – Developer – Devotee
When I started doing developing completely as fresher having experience as trainer in .NET field. I faced significant resistance and criticism from my seniors. Most of the time they shout at me, why the task is not done. What is the status of JIRA tickets?
On which JIRA tickets you working now. The senior doing like SHIV TANDAV on my HEAD. This phase pushed me into a state of deep depression, Because I do not have capacity in my early stage of developing to handle this much of pressure.
But I am very grateful to all my seniors, my friends, my family and the person who always stood by me when i breath, when i cried, when I smile because I know if nobody is around me I know he/she will hold me not letting me down and he/she is no other then SHRI KRISHANA AND RADHA RANI.
Why I use HE/SHE because, To me, they are not two separate entities but a singular divine force, akin to “Ardhanarishvara“. When I fill lonely and cried suddenly checking my phone and I see the reels in which Lord Krishan GAVE some UPDESH which directly hit to my problem. And I smile and believe that I know my soul not reach up to that position in which Krishan directly came as in physical form but indirectly he guide and gave me message GO ON.
Yes that’s some of the thing about myself. No let’s discuss how to start journey as developer.
Introduction about my you tube channel
In my you tube channel you will get the video in both the language Hindi as well as English. In each and every video either if it in Hindi then in video description you will get the link of the same video in English language.
Fresher to Experience Full stack developer.
Being a job as developer is one the best job now a days. Either you can do the work at home or go to the office. At the end your performance matter.
- C# :- As I am .NET MVC Core developer so I guide in that manner. First of most important thing is your basic must be clear. Like how the variable work. What is the basic use of static, Object, managed and un managed code and many more. So if you what to learn basic C# in my You tube channel I do have a playlist in which you will dive deep in and learn the C# concept that are used in live project programming.
Learn C# Step by Step in Hindi
Learn C# Step by Step in ENGLISH - MVC :- In .NET field if you still doing old ADO.NET coding then you can not survive, you have to keep yourself updated and know the basic concept and how MVC 5 or MVC Core help in developing to run our application in very faster way.
What is MVC Core, And why it is introduce? As MVC Core supports cross platform.
The Early Microsoft framework works only for Windows but later they released MVC core, using it you can work with Linux and other also.
.NET Core Interview Question in HINDI
.NET Core Interview Question in English - LINQ: – As when you work with MVC Core most of the time you used the CLASSES and EF Core OR Dapper as ORM Tool. But to perform basic operation you should know about LINQ. Yes there is other why to perform the operation and fetch data.
3.1: – Either you can go with Classes, Entity Frame work / Dapper. OR
3.2: – Using JSON you can return the data and perform the operation. Choice is yours. In my you tube channel You will get the video for both the way. - jQuery / JavaScript: – In my point of you you should know both as now a days React is totally based on JavaScript which to perform operation like with page refresh update your grid in the same page you have to use jQuery call.
As developer I hope you know about the advantages of jQuery and JavaScript. - Bootstrap: – Developer can not finished his/her developing task without using designing template. In which Bootstrap is used by all over. So I preferred to you learn that as well.
- Database :- No website is finished with database. So you should have knowledge of SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB and other. Till now I worked and used SQL SERVER the most then PostgreSQL and last Mongo DB. Yes I do have knowledge in other as well but most of the time I used this tool.
At last if you have guts to enter in this field where people think that we earn a lot. But the job of a developer is not easy. Unless you understand everything, your senior may even insult you. I am not making you nervous but I am telling you the reality.
If you have the courage like me who has faced these difficulties and reached this point today, I have full confidence that you will also be one of those people who will face the challenge and move forward.
I will support you in this journey of yours. Subscribe to my YouTube channel and live a happy life with your family.